OURI Faculty and College Incentive Fund Programs 24-25
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) is again excited to offer the 24-25 Faculty Incentive Plan, to support faculty who mentor undergraduate researchers within certain priority areas. This incentive is intended to encourage early engagement in undergraduate research of our degree-seeking Freshmen and Sophomore students and our AA Transfer Juniors, and to encourage new FAU faculty to work with these students.
Beginning Summer 2024, incentive funding will be applied within the following categories:
- Mentoring a degree-seeking Freshman, Sophomore or AA transfer Junior signed up through Directed Independent Research (DIR) 4915 and 4916 courses.
- Faculty new to OURI who mentor UGs in research through targeted OURI programs.
- Faculty submitting course syllabi and receiving/teaching Research Intensive (RI) Course designation for lower division and General Education courses
Learn more about OURIs faculty incentive funding here.
Questions can be directed to ouri@dcvg-cn.com and your College Faculty Liaisons FAU - Faculty Liaisons